Friday, August 21, 2009

"I'm not talking to the bushes!:

This is how I greeted my neighbors this morning!

Sandy (our black & white cat) managed to sneak out the door while I was bringing out the garbage this morning & heads straight for the bushes where I can't reach her. Here I am having just rolled out of bed, hair up, no make up, no coffee, standing in front of the bushes calling for her to come out! Perfect time for the neighbors to walk by!

Between the cats and the kids, I'm losing my mind!


  1. Me<---Shocked. It's really a post from you. I've missed you dear friend. I'm sure my neighbors think some of the same things about me. On any given day I'm talking to the woods trying to coax some stray cat out for food.

    By the way I'm now here:


  2. Welcome back. Never mind what the neighbours think :-)
