Friday, January 30, 2009

A Little Boy Doing Some Good

My son & I had the privilege of meeting a little 7 year old boy, Christopher Cusack, who has been collecting gently used coats for people who need them. The full story is here:

"Christopher's coat collection initially began in December 2007 when he was walking to the bus stop with his coat open and after his mother asked him to zip it closed. When Christopher questioned his mother, she told him that not every child around the world was as fortunate as him to have a coat. Since then, Christopher has donated his own used coats to charity and collects coats from others at his school."

Not only has Christopher come up with this incredibly compassionate idea, he has also helped sort and give the coats out. I asked he how it felt to give someone a coat & his answer was "it makes me happy." Not only did he reach his goal, but he has surpassed it & plans to continue collecting the coats.

How many of us as adults have said we wanted to do something to help others and then let our idea fall by the wayside. I know I have. Sure, I help here & there, but this child actually did it without wanting anything back. A child. Not only is he helping people who really need it, but he is also providing the opportunity for everyone else help.

A child.

Gives me a lot to think about.

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