Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Kids Are Crazy!

My daughter, always the artist (I'll have to get back to her history of drawing all over everything another time!), loves to make icons!

She was so excited the other day to show me her newest one...

"Mommy, want to see what I made?!" she asked (any parent will innocently fall for that line, thinking that their child drew a lovely picture forgetting that there are times when this should be seen as a warning!).

"Sure" I answered as I watch her icon flash across the screen.

Heart, Peace Sign, Peace & Love............HOLD IT!

"What was that?!" I exclaimed! "Go back and show me the icon again!"

Heart, Peace Sign, Marijuana leaves in the shape of a peace sign....!!!!!

"Do you know what that peace sign is made of?" I ask my daughter.

"Yeah, leaves." was her answer.

"Those are marijuana leaves! You cannot use them for your icon!" I answered.

"I didn't know! How do you tell the difference?!" she answered.

I'm not sure if I should be glad that she is innocent enough not to know what marijuana looks like or worried that she should be street smarter by now!



  1. That was a humorous story about your daughter. Thank you for visiting my blogspot/journal and also the email was informative. I will email you later. mark

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, and it's up to us responsible adults to filter out what really doesn't go. Made me smile though

  4. I'll take innocence over street smart any day. I've found the smarter they are street wise, the more likely it's from experience. (Hugs)Indigo

  5. I'm certainly glad I don't have to deal with things like that anymore...mine's 23 years old now!
    The heart and peace sign with the clouds are both great.

    :) Leigh

  6. Cherish the moments of innocense for like spring flowers, they illuminate for a mere season of lifetime!
    Very cute indeed!
    Marc :)
