Sunday, February 1, 2009

Carpet Sliders & Sleepovers

This year I gave each of my kids a pair of "carpet sliders" for Christmas (given their past bumps & broken bones, what was I thinking?!). I also made them promise that they are not allowed to break any bones & no trips to the emergence room! I can already hear you saying "oh no"!

They have become addicted to them...along with their friends! So now, not only do I have my 2 kids sliding up and down the hallway crashing into whatever lies in their way, I have their friends sliding up & down my hallway!

I have to admit, it is fun to watch them sliding after each other, hearing a big "CRASH" & lots of giggles! They have become so imaginative with the games they come up with! There is slide down the hall as fast as you can and crash into the toy bin; take the cat for a ride (cat isn't into sliding as much!); slide into first base...anything that lets them crash at the end! Last night, my daughter's friend slept over & had so much fun with the sliders. Every time there was a commercial or break in between what they were doing, she would yell "let's slide"! I forgot to check if she took them off when they went to bed! This morning I wake up to hear them already sliding & giggling!

I have to admit, it does look fun, but that little voice inside me is warning "you are still recovering from back surgery, do you want to break it again?!"

Oh well, I'll figure out a way to try them. Hmmm, maybe if I sit on them and have the kids pull me around.........CRASH!

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